

Company Formation

Establishment of Hong Kong & China Company

Why should I register a Hong Kong company?

Hong Kong is a city of opportunity, creativity and enterprise, and has been named the "World's Freest Economy" by the Heritage Foundation for 24 consecutive years. As an international financial centre, Hong Kong's well-established legal system, simple tax regime, low tax rates, comprehensive infrastructure and communications facilities, and highly qualified professionals have attracted the attention of investors from around the world. Hong Kong's advantages are widely recognised as a platform for global trade and commerce, and tens of thousands of international companies have benefited from setting up in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong is a city of opportunity, creativity and enterprising spirit. It has been rated as "the world's freest economy" by the American Heritage Foundation for 24 consecutive years. As an international financial centre, Hong Kong's comprehensive legal system, simple tax system, low tax rate, As an international financial centre, Hong Kong's comprehensive legal system, simple tax system, low tax rate, complete infrastructure and communication facilities, and high-quality professionals have won the favor of investors from all over the world. Hong Kong contains unlimited business opportunities and is a platform leading to global economy and trade. thousands of international companies have benefited from setting up companies in Hong Kong.


Advantages of Hong Kong company

  1. Free Market Trade.

Hong Kong, China is the world's freest port for trade and commerce, with free flow of goods in and out of the region, no tariffs on general cargo and no foreign exchange controls

  1. A quality tax system.

Hong Kong, China, has few types of taxes and low tax rates, mainly only one kind of profits tax at 16.5%, which is filed once a year and is exempt from any tax if the business is not operated there, thus reasonably and legally avoiding tax.

  1. Brand awareness.

Hong Kong, China has a mechanism to obtain worldwide certification and recognition, so that we can take advantage of Hong Kong's popularity to create a Hong Kong brand and enhance our international image


  1. Registered capital base.

Registering a Hong Kong company with little capital and no capital verification.

  1. No licence to practise is required.

No industry restrictions in Hong Kong, China, allowing any legal business to be conducted without the need to apply for a separate licence.

  1. A better business environment.

The excellent infrastructure, sound legal system and unique business environment in Hong Kong, China.

  1. Financing facilities.

The extremely high international creditworthiness of the Hong Kong, China region, its diversified financing channels and easy access to international credit and credit.

  1. High freedom of company name .

Free choice of name for Hong Kong companies, regional and industrial names are allowed, e.g. China, Beijing, industrial, medical, etc.

  1. 9. Work visa preferred.
  2. Hong Kong companies are given priority to apply for multiple-entry business visas at the Hong Kong People's Immigration Department upon establishment and are granted the permanent right of abode in Hong Kong after seven years.
  3. Sound legal safeguards.

Hong Kong companies are limited liability and personal property is legally separate from corporate property.

  1. Property offers.

The remittance of money from Hong Kong companies to Hong Kong is not taxable and enterprises can use Hong Kong companies to purchase property in Hong Kong and rent or sell property free of property tax.


Conditions of incorporation of a Hong Kong company.

(1) Corporate Shareholders: One or more shareholders are required;

(2) Directors of the company: at least one director, the shareholder and the director may be the same entity, which may be a natural person or a company. The natural person must be at least 18 years of age and may be of any nationality.

(3) Registered Hong Kong Company Name Options.

  1. a) The company may use the English name, the Chinese name, or both the English name and the Chinese name, but may not use a combination of the English and Chinese names
  2. b) The English name of the company must end with "Limited" and the Chinese name must end with "有限公司".

(4) Registered address: This address must be a Hong Kong address for the purpose of receiving official government correspondence and notifications; the company does not need to rent a special property, but may not use a P.O. Box only as a registered business address. (Generally provided by our company);

(5) Statutory Secretary: appointment of a Hong Kong person or a Hong Kong company as the statutory secretary of the company; (usually provided by us)

(6) Registered capital (Hong Kong company law requires a standard registered capital of HK$10,000) and the registered name of the company.


Information required for incorporation of a Hong Kong company.

1、Company name

  1. Registered capital (Hong Kong company law requires that the standard registered capital is HK$10,000)
  2. A copy of the identity certificate of the shareholder and the director. If the shareholder is an enterprise legal person, the enterprise legal person must submit a copy of the business licence and the identity card of the legal representative;
  3. Shareholding ratio of each shareholder;
  4. the residential address and contact details of the shareholders and directors;


註冊香港公司 Process.

  1. Company Name Search

Hong Kong Company Name: To avoid duplication of names, you can send your company name to our online customer service to help you check.

  1. 2. Determination of share allocation

Before registering a Hong Kong company, you must first identify the shareholders, directors and chairman of the board, and arrange the proportion of shares for each shareholder.

  1. 3. Provide proof of identity and a valid address.

Provide the Firm with original and photocopies of shareholder and director identification and proof of address valid for three months or less.

  1. 4. Power of Attorney

Complete the Form of Proxy for Incorporation of Hong Kong Companies and appoint the Firm to undertake the incorporation of the company.

  1. 5. Awaiting 7-14 days work approval from the registry

The information will be submitted to the Registry for review and approval in accordance with the above requirements. Upon receipt of the Registry's notification of completion of approval, we will send you the registration information as soon as possible.


Full set of information upon completion of incorporation of a Hong Kong company.

  1. Certificate of Incorporation
  2. Business Registration Certificate (valid for one year from the date of incorporation and renewable annually)
  3. Memorandum and Articles of Association (generally 18 volumes)
  4. Company chop and signature chop (1 each for signing cheques or other documents)

5, Company Steel Seal (1 piece)

  1. Stockbook
  2. the statutory book of the company (statutory book), which includes

(a) minutes book

(b) register of members

(c) the register of transfers of shares (register of transfer)

(d) register of directors

(e) register of secretaries

(f) register of charges

  • The above file comes in a "precious hard box", commonly known as the "green box"



Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Which government departments do I need to apply to and what fees do I need to pay to set up a Hong Kong limited company?

A: A limited company must register with the Companies Registry of Hong Kong as a body corporate (registration fee HK$1,720) and obtain a Business Registration Certificate from the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department within one month of registration (business registration fee HK$250).

Q: What are the basic requirements for setting up a Hong Kong limited company?

A: A shareholder and a director aged 18 or above. A company secretary can be appointed by a Hong Kong resident or a professional company as the company's statutory secretary. A registered address in Hong Kong is required.

Q: Can non-Hong Kong residents set up a limited company in Hong Kong?

A: Yes. Non-Hong Kong residents may incorporate a limited company in Hong Kong. There are no restrictions on the nationality and domicile of shareholders and directors under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.

Q: What is the Register of Companies?

A: Register of Members (Shareholders), Register of Directors, Register of Company Secretaries, Register of Significant Controllers

Under the Companies Ordinance, Cap 622, a limited company must keep the following four registers for inspection by its enforcement officers at its registered address or at a separately stated address. Failure to keep any of these registers may render each responsible person (e.g. a director) liable to a fine.


Establishment of China Company

To attract foreign investment, China has been liberalising its financial, service and trade sectors and has significantly lowered the threshold for foreign investment in recent years. At present, foreign investors can easily set up a Chinese company without having to pay the registered capital and provide bank credit certificates, and only need to file for establishment with the regulatory authorities.


China has a vast territory and a well-developed manufacturing industry. In recent years, in order to attract foreign investment, it has continued to open up industries such as finance, services, and trade, and significantly lowered the threshold for foreign investment. In recent years, in order to attract foreign investment, it has continued to open up industries such as finance, services, and trade, and significantly lowered the threshold for foreign investment. They can easily establish a Chinese company by filing the establishment They can easily establish a Chinese company by filing the establishment record with the regulatory authority.

Benefits of registering a Chinese company.

  1. 1. Optimising Resource Allocation .

As a force in the market and society, the company can play an important role in optimising the allocation of resources, promoting market development and assuming social responsibility through cooperation and repeated bonding with external parties.

  1. Legitimate and lawful operations.

We are a legal entity and a mainstream part of China's economy, enjoying wider protection from national policies. The need to work with clients and to operate with a license. Opening a company is undoubtedly the first step to formalising and legalising your business. The establishment of a company will, to a certain extent, enhance the credibility of the enterprise and the integrity of the entrepreneur.

  1. Beneficial to branding.

To facilitate the establishment of a company brand, a registered company not only has the qualification to apply for a domestic trademark, the company is mutual to branding. The company is the main body of the brand. A reputable and strong company can often build an excellent brand, which every enterprise is happy to see, and is also a guarantee of confidence in the brand recognition of every customer. With corporate credentials, you can better promote your products and services online

  1. 4. Invoice Protection Benefits.

For invoicing purposes, companies can apply for and issue their own invoices, plus tax deductions if they meet certain criteria.

  1. Financing and credit

The ease of access to finance and credit, and the ability to attract venture capital and buyouts from large corporations can help your business grow faster.


Information needed to register a Chinese company.

  1. 1. Company Name (Administrative District + Font Size + Industry + Limited Company)
  2. 2. Shareholder Contribution Ratio (We will provide professional advice on auditing standards for listed companies)
  3. 3. Corporate and shareholder ID card details (ID card name + address + ID card number)
  4. 4. Company's scope of business (white papers on industry scope of business are available for reference for different industries)
  5. 5. Corporate and shareholder personal U-Shield or CA (for electronic signature)
  6. 6. Registered Address (can be provided by us)
  7. 7. Registration capital information (most recognizable, a few industries require actual payment)


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I still need a capital test for company registration?

A: There is no longer a mandatory capital verification for company registration, but a deadline is given for companies to pay the registration capital into the company's account for verification within the prescribed period.

What is the difference between a recognised and a paid-up system?

A: Recognised payment refers to the legal registered capital of the enterprise and paid-up payment refers to part or all of the actual paid-up registered capital of the enterprise as verified by capital verification.

What is the difference between a branch and a subsidiary?

A: A subsidiary does not have legal personality and its civil liability is borne by the company. Subsidiaries have independent legal personality and bear civil liabilities independently according to the law.

Can the scope of business be added at will?      

A: Enterprises can add or subtract items to or from their business scope according to their business needs, but they need to register the changes with the Trade and Industry Bureau for record.


Company Registration Documents on hand.

1、Business licence (original and copy)

  1. Proof of Enterprise Uniform Social Information Code
  2. Articles of Association
  3. Housing rental contract
  4. Company seal and seal retention card


Annual Declaration for Hong Kong Company

Why do you need annual review services? Why do I need an annual audit service?

According to the laws of Hong Kong, a Hong Kong company must go through the annual review procedures upon its anniversary in order to continue to operate legally.

Under Hong Kong law, a Hong Kong company is required to complete an annual audit upon its anniversary in order to continue to operate legally.


Procedures of an Annual Examination Signing the Annual Examination Executing Annual audit formalities

Submission to the renewal of Business Registration Certificate and Annual Examination


Scope of Annual Examination Submit Delivery of annual return

Renewal of the business registration certificate Appointment of authorized secretary

Renewal of the address of registration

Business Registration Certificate Overdue Penalty 500

prosecute Court

Go to the website of the tax bureau to find, give the case (find the file department to provide you)


Annual review service time limit and fines

Submit the annual return within 42 days of the company's establishment anniversary . Within 42 days upon the anniversary of incorporation.

  • Penalties for Late Annual Examination


submission date

Penalty Amount ( HKD )

More than 42 days but not more than 3 months

More than 42 days but within 3 months


More than 3 months but not more



than 6 months

More than 3 months but within 6 months


More than 6 months but not more than 9 months

More than 6 months but within 9 months


more than 9 months

More than 9 months



  • Penality for Late Renewal of the Business Registration Certificate

If it exceeds 30 days from the day following the company's establishment anniversary , a fine of HK $ 300 will be imposed.

The company is subject to a fine of HK$300 for the late renewal more than 30 days after the anniversary of incorporation.

Formation of overseas and offshore companies

With the integration of the global economy, many investors expand the international market by setting up overseas companies. Establishing a company in other markets requires a full understanding of local laws, which can be complex in some cases, depending on the goals and structure of the business.


Whether you operate in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Americas or other regions, Li Siyao Accounting Firm can help you develop business opportunities and establish the best structure for your business according to local laws and regulations.

  1. US company registration

Why register a US company?

A U.S. company is an offshore company incorporated under the corporate laws of the United States. This kind of company originated from overseas companies such as BVI , Bermuda, Seychelles, etc. The US government tried to control these places, but it has been in vain for 20 years, so a new set of laws was created to relax company registration restrictions to attract foreign investment.


Registering a US company has the following outstanding advantages:

  • . High international reputation and recognition, can open corporate accounts in global banks;
  • . High international legal status, protected by the US government, and excellent recognition;
  • . Build a world-renowned brand;
  • . The registered capital does not need to be verified and in place;
  • . There are few restrictions on the company name, and words such as " international " , "

group " , " industry " and " holding " can be added .

  • . Property can be bought and sold under the company


Registration of a US company requires the following conditions:

  1. Application conditions: more than one company director and shareholder (natural or legal person without international restrictions), valid identification documents (ID card or passport).
  2. Name selection: There are no restrictions on the company name, as long as there is no duplicate name in the search; the general name is followed by CORP (CORPORATION), LTD (LIMITED), INC (INCORPORATED) or CO (COMPANY) , LLC and other words. Please include two or more company names when registering to avoid delays when each option becomes

unavailable. Before the establishment of the company, the company name can be reserved for half a year for the name fee. 3. Registered capital: Different continents, the registered capital is different, generally 50,000 US dollars (for details, please refer to the registered address of each continent), no need to verify the capital and in place. When registering a company, it is

necessary to state the amount of shares issued when the company was established. Usually a company initially issues 3,000-50,000 shares. The number of shares issued by your company can be increased at any time after incorporation. 3. Share allocation: the share ratio ( % ) of each shareholder of the US company applying for registration . 4. Registered address:


It is required to have a local registered address ( participating in our secretarial service can provide a registered address in the United States ) .



Required information and time

  1. Company name in English
  2. The original ID card or passport of the director or company promoter, or a copy certified by a certified public accountant, lawyer, or notary public


  1. The original copy of the director's address proof (for example: bank monthly statement, utility bill, gas bill, fixed telephone bill payment list, ) for the last 3 months, or a certified copy of a certified public accountant, lawyer, or notary public



Processing time: about 20 working days, (sometimes there may be delays due to the delivery of files and the round-trip of specific problems, but generally this problem does not occur)

Registration is slightly different in different states in the United States, and the time required is also different.



The process of registering a company in the United States is roughly as follows:

  1. Company name search ( submit the most satisfactory name, preferably a few more options

) ; 2. Submit ; Power of Attorney ; ( submit the well-filled power of attorney and sign the agreement ) 3. Sign the agreement ( sign the agreement according to the conditions negotiated by both parties ) ; 4. Pay the deposit; 5. Sign the statutory documents ( arrange all shareholders and directors to sign a full set of documents ) ; 6. The government approval process ( our company follows the government throughout the process) 7. The establishment

of the company is completed ( the balance is paid, the file is signed and the company information can be sent directly to the place you designate ) .



Cost of registering a US company

US company registration fee: HKD9000-HKD14,000 (different fees vary by state)

The cost of registering a company in the United States depends on the state. There are 50 states in the United States, and we can register. For details, please call us or click on the online consultation.

Our services include the following :

  1. The company charter issued by the state government
  2. Company registration fee ( government fee )
  3. Company seal
  4. Stocks
  5. Company formation regulations
  6. Company constitution regulations
  7. Submit the file to the Companies Registry
  8. Relevant resolution forms of the company


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a US Company

Q: How many directors are required to register a company in the United States ?

A: A registered US company must have at least one director. Q: In which states can I handle a U.S. company on my behalf ?


A: The US company registration is now mainly: we handle all the states in the United States. The states most chosen by customers are; Delaware (USA), Nevada (Nevada, USA) , California (California, USA) , New York (New York , USA) . Among them, Nevada now has more than 150,000 companies registered here . The Secretary of State's office believes that Nevada has become a hot spot for the incorporation of overseas offshore companies mainly due to its non-disclosure of shareholder information and no need to pay state income tax and other policies .



Q: What are the charges for US companies ?

Answer: The registration fee for registering a company in the United States depends on the state; the common registrations are: Delaware (USA) , California (California, USA) , New York (New York , USA) registration fee HKD9000, The registration fee in Nevada , USA is HKD14,000

. There are 50 states in the United States. For details of other states, please call our hotline

34826241 .



Q: What are the restrictions on the business scope of a company registered in the United States ?

A: A company registered in the United States does not have too many restrictions on the company's business industry and business projects. Therefore, your registered US company can operate any legal business business.



Q: What do I need to pay attention to when naming a US company ?

A: There is no restriction on the name of the company when registering a company in the United States. Therefore, as long as your company name is not registered by another company, you can use it. You can add CORP (CORPORATION), LTD (LIMITED), INC (INCORPORATED) or CO (COMPANY) , LLC after the company name .



Q: How long does it take to register a US company ?

A: It takes 20 working days to register a US company , but sometimes there may be delays due to the delivery of documents and the round-trip of specific problems, but generally this problem does not occur



Q: After the company is successfully registered, what kind of documents can I have to prove the existence and legitimacy of my newly registered company ?

A: The company's registration certificate is the company's valid legal document. You can also ask our company to provide the INCUMBNCY certificate ( extra charge ) issued by the local agent to confirm the legal existence of the company. In addition, the company information can also be found on the official website of the state government. For example, you can click here to view our company.



Q: Will my U.S. business have to pay U.S. federal and state taxes ?

A: Generally, businesses that do not operate in the country do not need to pay taxes. Once a company starts doing business in the country, it needs to apply for a Federal Tax Identification Number (FEIN) . In the future, the company will file tax returns based on this tax number. If the company does not operate in the country but has applied for a federal tax number, it must also pay tax, because the United States pays global tax. However, since the tax regulations of each state in the United States are different, we recommend that if you need to do business locally, you can directly consult a local accountant

French company registration

Why register a French company?

Due to the strict management system of French companies, there is no so-called shell company logo. Once the company is established, it should operate formally and legally. At the same time, the purpose of setting up French companies in China is to formally use the French brand image to win domestic and international competition. market. Therefore, there are many service projects, so that they can meet the overall image and strength of a standard European company. Therefore, the cost is naturally higher than that of registering a Hong Kong or US-based overseas killing company. However, French companies are extremely valuable. Now many domestic companies have joint brand operations with Europe, and the cost of brand OEM alone may reach millions of yuan a year. Therefore, although the total cost is higher than that of Hong Kong and U.S. companies, the potential for creating value is greater, and the effect is quite different.


Registering a French company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. It has a high international legal status and is protected by the European Union, which is conducive to rapidly enhancing the brand image of the company and its products;
  • . After the company is registered, non-French citizens can freely operate within or outside France, and can set up company bank accounts in and outside France (such as France, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, );
  • . France is one of the most economically developed countries in the world, has strong trade and manufacturing strength, and is a market economy country that implements free trade policies;
  • . France's perfumes, cosmetics, fashion, and high-end consumer goods have an absolute


advantage of origin in the international market, with sales accounting for 32% of global sales ; 5 . France's perfume, cosmetics, fashion, and high-end consumer goods brands enjoy a high reputation in the world. France is the largest exporter of high-end consumer goods, with excellent cultural investment value and high brand added value;

6 . The integrity and reputation of French companies and the French people in the international community are recognized around the world, and the Frankish nation is the most liberal and romantic nation in the world.


Conditions for registering a French company

  1. Provide at least one shareholder ( can be a resident or legal person of any nationality ) ;
  2. Must have one or more managers ( equivalent to directors of other companies registered elsewhere ) . The manager is the legal representative of the French company, and the representative does not have any nationality
  3. The capital is EUR 7,500, and the actual minimum capital verification is EUR 4,000 ;
  4. Must have a local registered address in France ( the establishment fee includes the registered address in Paris for the first year ; if you need other cities, please inquire with us )


Required information and time:

  1. Sign the "Consulting Service Contract"
  2. Photocopies of ID cards or passports of at least 2 shareholders
  3. Sign the "Personal Power of Attorney" with fingerprints ;
  4. Sign the "Company Power of Attorney" and affix the official seal of the legal person
  5. Provide "No Criminal Record Certificate", no need for judicial notarization, stamped with fingerprints
  6. A photocopy of the business license of the domestic company legal person, stamped with the official seal of the legal person
  7. Domestic company profiles or brochures ;
  8. The name of the company to be entrusted to be registered, the first choice is A , and the alternatives are B and
  9. Materials we assist clients to prepare
  10. Registered capital bank in place certificate
  11. Proof of registered address ;
  12. Articles of Association signed by all shareholders
  13. Statutory director's identity certificate, no criminal record, credit certificate ;


The French company registration time takes 35 working days.

Due to the delivery of files and the round-trip of specific problems, there may be delays, but such problems generally do not occur. You can check with us for the specific time.


The process of registering a company in France is roughly as follows:

  1. Sign a power of attorney
  2. Both parties sign the agreement
  3. Prepare and sign various declaration documents
  4. Company address rental, contract notarization
  5. Company address secret check and business inquiry
  6. Formulate and sign the articles of association of the company, and the shareholders' meeting
  1. Set up a corporate French bank account
  2. Deposit the registered funds into the bank account


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a French Company

Q: Do French companies need to make an audit report?

Answer: The company needs to appoint a local accountant to make the company audit report every year, unless the following conditions are exempted: 1. The company has more than 50 employees; 2. The turnover exceeds 20 million francs; 3. The net asset value exceeds 10 million francs; 4. Branch (office) domicile (business premises) real estate ownership certificate


Q: What is the French corporate tax system like?

Answer: French company tax ( paid according to the tax bill ) includes 1. Annual base tax (IFA) : 750 euros / year ; ( Note: mandatory tax ) ; 2. Business tax (TP) : Tax: The business tax is not uniform in cities across France, This tax is mainly used by local governments, which is equivalent to the land tax in China ( the French land tax and national tax are collected by the same agency ); tax rate: taking Paris, France as an example, it is 5.5% ; 3. Value- added tax (TVA) : Tax: French national tax, the national tax rate is uniform ; tax rate: 19.6%;


Q: How to register a French company?

Answer:           There           are           business            registration            and            declaration                        centers (CENTREDEFORMALITESDESENTREPRISES) all over France. The registration of the company can be processed at the business registration center where the company is located. There are two most common commercial companies, one is a joint stock limited company, also known as an anonymous company (SOCIETEANONYME , referred to as SA); the other is a limited liability company (SOCIETEARESPONSABILITGELIMITED , referred to as SARL) . Which form to choose depends entirely on the company's turnover, business scope and investment scale. It is necessary to comprehensively evaluate and decide from the perspectives of market, management, development strategy, tax policy, etc. Generally speaking, if the annual turnover is more than 4 million francs, the form of a joint stock company should be considered.


Q: What is the registered capital of a French company?

A: The minimum registered capital is 7,500 euros. The minimum actual capital verification at the time of registration is generally 4,500 euros ; the capital of 4,500 euros must be in place at the time of registration. The rest must be in place within 5 years of registration. A limited liability company (SARL) should have a registered capital of not less than 50,000 francs ; a company limited by shares (SA) should have a registered capital of not less than 250,000 francs. A company limited by shares (SA) , in the form of a public offering, should have a minimum capital of 1.5 million francs, but the law does not encourage a limited liability company (SARL) with a net capital of more than 5 million francs.


Q: Do French company shareholders have nationality now?

A: French company shareholders can be more than one natural person or legal person (can be a resident or legal person of any nationality). It is recommended to have 2 or more people . If a shareholder serves as a director at the same time, it is recommended not to own more than 50% of the shares . Otherwise, even if they do not operate locally, they must pay local labor insurance . Only shareholders are not subject to this restriction )


Q: What are the requirements for a French company director?

A: There is at least one director, who must be a natural person. Directors can be of any nationality and do not have to be resident in France. The board of directors only involves SA ( limited company ) , and SARL ( liability company ) only sets up one operating or licensed person (GERANT) to manage the company. The constitution and rights of the board of directors should be stipulated in the articles of association. Legally, the board of directors has the fullest rights to carry out activities on behalf of the company. The board of directors shall have one chairman and several directors.


Q: Does a French company need a secretary?

A: French companies do not need to appoint a company secretary.


Q: What should I do if I want to register a French company without an address?

A: The company's registered address must be located in France, and the investor must provide documentation such as a lease contract. The company can arrange for it. The establishment fee includes the registered address in Paris for the first year ( if you need other cities, please check with us ) Registered address


Q: What are the French company name requirements?

A: The selected name cannot be the same or too similar to the registered name. The company name also cannot contain words related to the French government or insurance, unless a related license is applied for separately.

UK company registration

Why register a UK company?

The UK is the fifth largest economy in the world and one of the most attractive countries in

the world for investment. Its sound financial and taxation regulatory system, unified and open market mechanism, attracts investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world to register British companies to explore the European market.


Registering a UK company has the following outstanding advantages:

( 1 ) The British legal system is sound and very stable; the international legal status is high, and it is protected by the Commonwealth Government;

( 2 ) Offshore operations do not need to submit audited accounts, declare taxes and pay any taxes;

( 3 ) The annual maintenance cost is low, the tax arrangement is convenient, the information is open, and the reliability is high;

( 4 ) Bank accounts can be opened all over the world, and bank accounts can be opened in mainland China, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom;

( 5 ) Brand establishment and high credibility;

( 6 ) One shareholder can open a British company, and the director of the shareholder has no nationality restrictions;

( 7 ) It can be listed and raised in major financial markets around the world and in Hong Kong, relying on the reputation of "Empire on which the Sun Never Sets".


Conditions for registering a UK company:

  1. 1 director and 1 shareholder ( can be held by 1 person )
  2. 1 company secretary ( served by the company, which has been included in the above fees )
  3. Registered capital: The registered capital of a British company is unlimited. The standard registered capital is 100 pounds. If the registered capital is exceeded, there is no need to pay stamp duty. No actual verification is


Required information and time:

  1. 1 director and 1 shareholder ( can be held by 1 person )
  2. 1 company secretary ( served by the company, which has been included in the above fees )
  3. Registered capital: The registered capital of a British company is unlimited. The standard registered capital is 100 If the registered capital exceeds this registered capital, there is no need to pay


stamp duty. No actual verification is required.


It takes a short time to register a company in the UK, usually 10-14 working days.

Due to the delivery of files and the round-trip of specific problems, there may be delays, but generally this problem does not occur, and you can consult us for the specific time.


The process of registering a company in the UK is roughly as follows:

  1. Company name search ( submit the most satisfactory name, preferably a few more options

) ;

  1. Submit ; Power of Attorney ; ( submit the well-filled power of attorney and signed agreement ) ;
  2. Sign the agreement ( sign the agreement according to the conditions negotiated by both parties ) ;
  3. Pay the deposit;
  4. Sign the statutory documents ( arrange all shareholders and directors to sign a full set of documents ) ;
  5. The government approval process ( our company follows the government throughout the process) The establishment of the company is completed ( the balance is paid, the file is signed and the company information can be sent directly to the place you designate ) .


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a UK Company

Q: How long does it take to register a UK company ?

A: First, you can apply for registration after inquiring the company name, sign the power of attorney, contract and pay 50% of the deposit. The registration will be completed in about 10-15 working days. After completion, there will be the company's registration certificate, relevant shareholder director files and company seals.



Q: What is the registered capital of a UK company ? Is it actually in place ?

A: The registered capital of a British company is unlimited. The standard registered capital is 100 pounds. If the registered capital exceeds this registered capital, there is no need to pay stamp duty. It doesn't need to be actually in place.



Q: Do I need to pay tax if I do not operate in the UK after registering a company in the UK ?

Answer: According to the regulations of the British Revenue Agency, if the company does not have any local business activities and is not profitable, the company can apply for a tax-free declaration, that is, it does not need to pay tax.



Q: What is the status of corporate taxation in the UK ?

A: The United Kingdom is a capitalist country with a long history, and its tax system is very sound. If you operate on the ground in the United Kingdom and have business transactions with British companies, you must pay taxes.



Q: What are the restrictions on the name of a UK company ?

A: The UK is relatively free to name names, except that the British government stipulates that the following words cannot be used: king , queen association, federation, society , authority, board , council , institute , institution , guests can choose their favorite company name.



Q: What is the minimum number of directors of a UK company ?

A: Registering a UK company requires at least one or more company directors and shareholders ( natural or legal persons without international restrictions ) , and a valid identity document ( ID card or passport ) .



Q: After registering a UK company, what else do company directors need to do ?

A: The directors of the company must sign various company documents. We  can provide first board meeting minutes and document signing services. This is one of the first things a newly established company must do.



Q: Who can apply to register a UK company ?

A: Anyone who is 18 years of age or older is eligible to apply to register a UK company and become a shareholder and director of the company.



Q: What are the files and materials that should be kept ?

Answer: British Companies Law requires a company to keep the following relevant information: records of the company's general meeting and board of directors, actions decided by directors or shareholders in the absence of a meeting, relevant accounting records and information records of all shareholders.



Q: Can any amendments be made to the articles of association and other documents of the company after the successful registration of the UK company ?

A: You can legally modify and supplement any file of the company at any time. However, if you need to modify any content on the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ( such as company name, company registration secretary, company director, etc. ) , you must file with the relevant British government departments.



Q: What documents and data will be obtained after registering a UK company ?

Answer: The following documents and materials should be received: 1. UK company registration certificate

  1. Director and shareholder information 3. UK company seal 4. UK company stock 5. UK company stock transfer record form 6. UK company articles of association. 7. Accountants verify 10EF, charter , certificates.
German company registration

Why register a German company?

Germany remains an attractive market for businesses of all sizes. As one of the largest economies in Europe, Germany is an ideal place to do business. Germany has a well-developed infrastructure and a high-skilled labor market, giving the country a large and diverse economy. However, to successfully start a business in Germany, one must be able to successfully set up a business locally. Among the various company  types  available,  Gesellschaft  mitbeschränkter  Haftung  (  “Gmbh”   )  is  the  most  popular  with entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises.


Registering a German company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. Registering a German company can quickly enhance the corporate brand image, has a high international legal status, and is protected by the European Union ;
  2. After registering a German company, non-German citizens are free to operate within or outside the country, and can open bank accounts at home and abroad / Hong Kong ;
  3. Use the name of German companies to buy and sell properties, international trade, free entry and exit of funds, and high reliability ;
  4. Registering a German company can keep taxes at a minimum level;
  5. There are very few restrictions on operating projects for most


Conditions for registering a German company


  1. The company is established as GmbH, and the minimum capital is € 25,000. The capital verification only needs to deposit € 12,500 ( must be remitted from the shareholder's personal account , and cannot be deposited in cash )
  2. GmbH is the simplest and most common company structure in Germany
  3. Only one shareholder
  4. Must have a local office in Germany
  5. The articles of association of the company , the first director's consent letter , if not all directors go to Germany for application , the registration application form must be signed by a German notary or signed at the German consulate in China ( the fee is not included in the company establishment fee )


Required information and time:

To register a company, you provide the company name and valid documents, and our company can handle it on your behalf.


Customers do not need to go overseas to apply in person, and can entrust all application procedures on their behalf. It generally takes 5-6 weeks to complete the registration.

Due to the delivery of files and the round-trip of specific problems, there may be delays, but generally this problem does not occur, and you can consult us for the specific time.


The process of registering a company in Germany is roughly as follows:

the company has only one legal person registration process ( the company name cannot contain the

word GROUP ) :

If the customer signs the file locally in Germany, there is no need to go to the German embassy in China to sign the file, but go directly to the notary office in Frankfurt, Germany to sign and open an account locally.

  1. Since the name search during the inquiry is only preliminary , when the deposit is received , our company will send the company name to the court and the Ministry of Commerce for approval . If the company name does not pass , the guest must rename ( no fee will be incurred )
  2. The German agent will prepare the Chinese and German power of attorney and entrust the local agent to start handling the articles of association and the establishment of the company file . Please bring the same file to the German embassy in China for interview and verification . ( The preparation of the file will take about 3 weeks . )
  3. Our company will send the files to Germany to start the company establishment
  4. The agent receives the file and starts to submit it to the local government for processing
  5. The agent will open a company account in a German bank on behalf of the client . To open an account , the client needs to transfer funds directly from China to the local area . ( The amount is half of the registered capital and 50%).
  6. Bank certifi Send the remittance voucher to us immediately to prove that the registered capital has been remitted from the shareholder's account
  7. The agent can arrange to submit the company application form after receiving the remittance voucher
  8. The authority will issue the company certificate about 2-3 weeks after receiving the remittance (

actually depends on the workload of the German government )

If registered in the form of a subsidiary , the company name can contain the word GROUP , and the

parent company needs to be certified by the local public in Germany , and the cost will be increased by




Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a German Company Q: What are the precautions after German company registration?

A: After the German company is registered, if the customer does not directly manage it, the nominal manager, financial services, nominal address and other management fees in the

above services are mandatory services. These services are all necessary conditions for the good existence of the company.


Q: What documents do I need to register a German company?

A: To register a company, you provide the company name and valid documents, and our company can handle it on your behalf. For specific matters, please contact our Zhuoxian Business Consultation .


Q: Are there any requirements for the business scope of German companies?

A: German companies have very few restrictions on operating projects. If you need details, please contact our Zhuoxian Business Consultation .

Register a Canadian company

Why register a Canadian company?

Canada is a North American country, known as the " Maple Leaf Country " , and Ottawa is the capital of the country. Canada was included in Forbes' 2020 list of the best countries to retire in. Thanks to its rich natural resources and advanced technology, Canada is a wealthy and economically developed country. Calculated at the international exchange rate, Canada's per capita GDP ranks 16th in the world, the Human Development Index ranks 10th, and it ranks among the top in the international rankings for quality of life and economic freedom.


Registering a Canadian company has the following outstanding advantages:

There are three types of businesses in Canada: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation:

The advantages of a sole proprietorship are:

  • The operating income is exclusively enjoyed by the investors and does not need to be distributed with other
  • The organization is
  • It is completely controlled by the investor, the investor has the final say, and there is no need to negotiate with
  • Low The income of the enterprise is included in the personal income tax accounting, and the tax amount may be lower than that of the corporate enterprise.


Advantages of partnership:

  • The number of investors is from 2 to 25 , and the capital is increased compared with the sole
  • The loss of the enterprise shall be shared by the
  • Due to the large number of partners, the number of customers and business types will be



This is the most common form of enterprise organization, and a company is an enterprise legal person that independently assumes civil liability.

Company advantages:

  • Investment (or shareholders) is only limited to the amount of capital contribution, and assumes corporate responsibility, which is limited liability;
  • Strong financing ability and a lot of capital;
  • Equity transfer is


Conditions for registering a Canadian company :

A company can be incorporated under the Canadian Business Corporations Act ( CBCA) with federal registration or registered in any province . In Ontario, corporations are governed by the Business Corporations Act ( OBCA ) . In Quebec, the relevant law is the Corporations Act ( QCA ) . The requirements of CBCA , OBCA and QCA are basically the same, and the obvious differences will be explained below. However, no matter which of the above governing laws is used to register a company, the efficiency is very high, and the registration fee is similar.

Federal corporations ( although registration in Quebec requires a French company name ) have the right to conduct business in any province under the name of a corporation, whereas corporations formed under provincial law have no legal right to do so.


Federal and provincial corporations are required to register in each province in which they plan to operate. In-provincial companies that want to do business in several other provinces also need to obtain an out-of-province license. However, Ontario and Quebec only have registration requirements.


Company director requirements:

  1. CBCA requires at least 25 % of the directors to be Canadian residents, unless the company has fewer than four directors, in which case at least one director must be a Canadian
  2. OBCA requires that most directors be Canadian residents, unless the company has only one or two directors, then at least one director must be a Canadian
  3. Registering a company in Quebec and British Columbia ( BC ) does not require a Canadian resident as a However, federal corporate law, Ontario and Quebec corporate laws all require a public company to have at least three directors.

Registered capital: No verification is required, the standard registered capital is 100 Canadian dollars


Required information and time:

  1. The name of the Canadian company to be registered (in English);
  2. Names of shareholders and directors, ID cards or passports, contact numbers, and contact addresses;
  3. The business scope of the Canadian company;
  4. Provide at least one Canadian company director; (Not required for Vancouver registration)


Registering a Canadian company is generally completed two the information .


Due to the delivery of files and the round-trip of specific problems, there may be delays, but generally this problem does not occur, and you can consult us for the specific time.


The process of registering a company in Canada is roughly as follows:

  1. Sign the power of attorney
  2. Sign the agreement
  3. Pay the deposit
  4. Go to the government department to go through the relevant
  5. Complete the registration, 2-3 months to complete, pay the balance to receive the


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a Canadian Company

Q: What documents can be obtained after the Canadian company registration is completed?

Answer: After the company registration is completed, the delivery customer has the following documents

  • . Certificate
  • . company registration file
  • . company policy
  • . stock book
  • . Company atomic signature stamp and metal stamp


Q: What documents do I need to register a Canadian company?

A: The registered company needs to provide the following information

  1. The name of the Canadian company to be registered (in English);
  2. Names of shareholders and directors, ID cards or passports, contact numbers, and contact addresses;
  3. The business scope of the Canadian company;
  4. Provide at least one Canadian company director; (Not required for Vancouver registration)


Q: What are the characteristics of a Canadian corporation?

Answer: Canadian joint stock companies have the following characteristics that are different from sole proprietorship companies and joint venture companies: First, the shareholders have limited liability. Usually, the shareholders of the company are not responsible for the company's debts and obligations that exceed the proportion of their shares. The second is the continuity of the company's existence. Because a joint stock company is a separate legal entity, the company continues to exist even if the membership of shareholders changes.

Furthermore, the ownership of the company can change and the transfer of shares does not affect the existence or continuity of the company.

Register a Singapore Company

Register a Singapore Company

Why register a Singapore company?

Singapore is a city island country in central Southeast Asia. It is located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, adjacent to the southern mouth of the Malacca Strait, facing Indonesia across the Singapore Strait in the south, and the Johor Strait in the north. In addition to the


main island of Singapore, there are new soft causeways and a second channel connecting both sides of the Singapore-Malaysia Strait. Singapore also includes the Affiliated Islands, which are outer islands of Singapore's largest island.


Registering a Singapore company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. Build an international brand and improve the company's international reputation and competitive advantage:

Gradually establish and build the international brand and international trademark of the enterprise, protect intellectual property rights, and improve the competitive advantage and vitality of the enterprise.


Enjoy the low tax rate in Singapore ( 0%-17% in Singapore ), and at the same time realize international legal tax avoidance (for operating offshore business);

    1. Operating business locally in Singapore, enjoying 0%-17% income
    2. Use a Singapore company to operate offshore business (such as conducting business in countries or regions other than Singapore, you can enjoy income tax exemption in Singapore), so as to achieve international legal tax
    3. Therefore, a Singapore company can be used for both local business operations in Singapore and offshore



  1. Realize asset internationalization, enterprise internationalization and value-added:

Singapore acquires domestic enterprises, or establishes Sino-foreign joint ventures, cooperatives or wholly-owned enterprises in China, or establishes representative offices to realize the internationalization and value-added of enterprises with international assets.

  1. Enterprise business transformation, domestic trade into foreign trade, processing with supplied materials into the integration of production, export and trade, to gain more tariff benefits:

It is easy to realize export tax rebate and import processing bonded, so as to maximize the interests of enterprises.

  1. Easier access to international capital support opportunities, more convenient financing and investment:

The Singapore government supports Singaporean enterprises to "go global" and provides financial and tax support. In addition, Singapore's financial or investment institutions also actively support enterprises, making it easier for Singaporean companies to obtain international financing, guarantees and other facilities.

  1. Entrepreneurs get the opportunity to immigrate and settle, and gain personal and family value:

There are actual business operations and taxation in Singapore. Entrepreneurs can also get the opportunity to move their families to Singapore, and then obtain green cards to successfully immigrate to realize the value-added of enterprises, individuals and families.



Conditions for registering a Singapore company :

Any nationality or company can set up a Singapore company, but the company must have at least one director over the age of 18 , and the new director must meet one of the following conditions:

  • ) Singapore Citizen
  • ) Singapore Permanent Resident
  • ) Employment Pass holders (pass more than 1 year)
  • ) Basic Approved Employment Pass holders or Relatives Pass holders


Singapore company registration basic regulations

  1. Competent authorities and registration regulations

The Singapore Business Registration Authority ( ACRA) is the sole competent authority for company registration in Singapore. All companies and firms must be registered with ACRA . To apply for a registered company to engage in commercial activities, in addition to banking / finance / insurance / securities / communications / transportation and other industries and production industries that have an impact on the environment, you need to apply to the relevant government industry management departments. For the establishment of commercial institutions and companies, you only need to go to Register with the Registrar.


The independent legal person status of the company

The Singapore Companies Act stipulates that a joint-stock company (private limited company) has an independent legal personality. It can engage in litigation, own assets; it can also incur debts. The liability of the shareholders of the company is limited to the amount they have subscribed but not paid in full. As long as the subscribed shares are fully paid, the shareholders of the company have no other responsibility for the company's debts, unless the relevant shareholders provide personal guarantees for the company's external debts.


Registered capital / paid-up capital

The Companies Act stipulates that the paid-up capital for the establishment of a company starts from SGD 1 . Shareholders can decide to increase the registered capital and paid-up capital at any time by filling out the form and paying the fee at the registry office. The registered capital represents the limit of share capital that the company can issue to shareholders. The company can issue shares within this limit and require shareholders to pay one or more times the amount of the subscribed shares. The subscribed and fully paid shares are the paid-up capital of the company.


  1. For customers with local accounts in Singapore, provide a check corresponding to the amount of registered
  2. For customers without a local account in Singapore, the registered capital shall not exceed SGD 3,000 . (After opening a Singapore account, capital can be increased, and the registered capital must be in place)
  3. Documents to be submitted for company establishment
  • The articles of association and bylaws of the company;
  • Affidavit of Compliance;
  • Identity certificate;
  • Letter of appointment of director and affidavit of qualification;
  • The company's registered address and office hours report
  • In addition, the MD, Company Secretary and Auditor Particulars and share issuance records need to be submitted within one month after the establishment of the


  1. Directors

A limited company must have at least 1 director, over the age of 18 , and the directors can only be natural persons. When the director and shareholder are the same person, the person must be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident or Employment Pass holder. The number of directors, methods of retirement and re-appointment should be specified in the company bye-laws.



  1. Auditors

Within 6 months of the incorporation of the company, a registered accounting firm must be appointed as the company's auditor . The auditor's task is to independently review the company's financial statements and issue an audit report at the company's year end. Private companies with revenue of S$ 5 million or less will be exempt from annual audits.




Documents required to register in Singapore:


  1. Company Secretary

A company statutory secretary must be appointed within 6 months of incorporation . Its responsibilities include:

  • timely submit the reports and forms required by the Companies Act to the Registrar of the Commercial Registry;
  • Safely keep the company's name and meeting minutes;
  • When necessary, sign and confirm each contract and the resolution of the board of
  • Ensure that the company file is properly stamped with the company


  1. Company registered address

serial number

required materials







company name

l   Provide the company name (our company is free to

verify the name), the name is free

l  Must be an English name, Chinese name registration is not accepted

l   The company name must end with PTE.LTD.







Director and Shareholder Information

l   2 or more people over the age of 18, no nationality


l  Company as a shareholder or director : provide a copy of the company's business license

Natural person as shareholder or director : provide a copy of resident ID card or passport

l  Provide shareholder and director contact address, telephone, email and other information


Registered capital

l   Standard funds are SGD 10,000 , no strict time limit for

full payment, no stamp duty



The company must have a legal registered address. Change of registered address or name of office must be notified to the Registrar within 14 days.



Business Scope

Our company provides project forms for customers to choose (no more than 2 items), special industries need special approval from the government


Contact Information

Provide contact information, and ensure that the information is true and accurate, so that you can be contacted in a timely manner

process of registering a company in Singapore is roughly as follows:

  1. Sign the Power of Attorney
  • . Sign agreement
  • . Pay a deposit
  • . Go to the government department to go through the relevant
  • . Complete the registration, 2-3 months to complete, pay the balance to receive the



Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a Singapore Company Q: What documents can a Singapore company get after registration?

Answer: The file after the company registration is completed

  1. One original copy of the company's business registration certificate, and the company's shareholder shares;
  2. A copy of BIZFILE of company information (electronic print: showing the company's establishment time, registered address, registered capital, paid-up capital, directors, number of shares held by shareholders, secretary, );
  3. A company charter, a commercial seal (offset)



Q: What are the procedures for doing business in Singapore?

A: If you need to apply for an Entrepreneur Work Pass for local business operations, you must submit the application within 6 months after the company is registered.



Q: What are the requirements for registered capital of a Singapore company?

Answer: The Companies Act stipulates that the paid-up capital for the establishment of a company starts from SGD 2 . Shareholders can decide to increase the registered capital and paid-up capital at any time by filling out the form and paying the fee at the registry office.

The registered capital represents the limit of share capital that the company can issue to shareholders. The company can issue shares within this limit and require shareholders to pay one or more times the amount of the subscribed shares. The subscribed and fully paid shares are the paid-up capital of the company.

Register a Korean company

Why register a Korean company?

South Korea is a republic located in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia, and its capital is Seoul. South Korea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, bordering the West Sea of South Korea (Yellow Sea) to the southwest, the South Korea Strait (Korean Strait) to the southeast, the East China Sea (Sea of Japan) to the east, and the 38th parallel (DPRK-ROK Demilitarized Zone) to the north. Adjacent to the Republic, with a total area of about 100,000 square kilometers (about 45% of the total area of the Korean Peninsula ) and a population of 51.7 million.


Registering a Korean company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. Excellent human resources: More than 97% of professionals have university degrees or have received vocational training , and the number of senior managers with foreign work experience ranks fifth in Asia .
  2. IT powerhouse: The world's highest broadband network access rate, the world's highest mobile phone penetration rate of 68% , WiBro , s-DMB , t-DMB services are commercialized in advance
  3. The highest incentive mechanism of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: The biggest factor for multinational enterprises to invest is the various incentive mechanisms formulated by the Korean government. Among the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,

Belongs to the widest.

  1. The best location: Tokyo, Beijing, Osaka, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other major cities in Northeast Asia are within 3 hours of the flight from Seoul .
  2. Asia-Pacific revenue center: The net profit of foreign-funded enterprises is much higher than that of domestic enterprises. Furthermore, Korean subsidiaries of multinational corporations show higher returns than other
  3. No need to apply for import and export rights: Korean companies have import and export rights once they are


Conditions for registering a Korean company

  1. Minimum registered capital: 100 million won, or about RMB 600,000 . This fee needs to be imported into South Korea from overseas, and is converted into Korean won at the exchange rate on the day of
  2. Qualifications of investors: It can be an individual or a domestic or overseas company. Individuals need to provide copies of passports and ID cards; companies need to provide copies of business
  3. Number of people required to set up a company:
  • ) , Ltd.:

At least two people: one director (the director must be a natural person) and one supervisor (

no shareholding is allowed. The director cannot serve concurrently ) . Shareholders can be natural persons or corporate bodies.

If there are two directors, one of the directors must not hold shares.

If the investment amount is more than 1 billion won, at least three directors and one supervisor are required. If there are multiple directors, one director should be elected as the legal representative, and the legal representative does not need to hold shares.


  • ) Limited company:

at least one director

A limited company is similar to a corporation in that both companies are joint stock companies, and both are only responsible for the portion of the shares they own.

When registering a company, the advantage of a limited company is that only one person's information is required. The disadvantage is that the limited company is not more reliable than the company.

  1. Matters related to company establishment: The company needs to have a fixed address, and our company can provide the

The process of registering a company in South Korea is roughly as follows:

  1. Sign the Power of Attorney
  • . Sign agreement
  • . Pay a deposit
  • . Go to the government department to go through the relevant
  • . Complete the registration, 2-3 months to complete, pay the balance to receive the

Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a Korean Company

Q: What are the documents obtained by the Korean company after the application is completed?

Answer: 1 ) Business license; 2 ) One company chapter; 3 ) Articles of association; 4 ) Register of shareholders; 5 ) Company card.


Q: What are the registered capital requirements for Korean companies?

A: The minimum registered capital: 100 million won, or about 600,000 RMB . This fee needs to be imported into South Korea from overseas, and is converted into Korean won at the exchange rate on the day of registration.

Register a Cambodian company

Why register a Cambodian company?

  1. Cambodia implements a free economic policy, all industries are open to the outside world, and foreign investment is
  2. There are four types of foreign investment: sole proprietorship, joint venture, cooperation and Production enterprises can be wholly foreign-owned, while trading enterprises are not allowed to be wholly foreign-owned.
  3. The Cambodian government has also issued a series of regulations and established regular consultation and dialogue mechanisms with


Process of registering a Cambodian company


Limited Liability Company






Registered capital






There are three


corporate tax




Need to rent an office (physical office)




whether to Cambodia




minimum director




smallest shareholder


parent company

parent company

local director

No need to

No need to

No need to

local shareholders

No need to

No need to

No need to




Cambodian companies: The Cambodia Limited Liability Company ( Limited Liability Company LLC ), The Cambodia branch (branch company), The Cambodia representative office (representative office). The registration conditions are as follows:


The process of registering a company in Cambodia is roughly as follows:

  1. Sign the Power of Attorney
  • . Sign agreement
  • . Pay a deposit
  • . Go to the government department to go through the relevant
  • . Complete the registration, 2-3 months to complete, pay the balance to receive the
Malaysia company registration

Improve the international brand value to attract foreign investment, and register a Malaysian company quickly and easily without going to Malaysia in person!


Advantages of registering a company in Malaysia

  1. Malaysian political system stability and national
  2. Malaysia belongs to the United Kingdom and is the country with the most economic development influence in the ten ASEAN countries, and has huge market potential
  3. Malaysia's advantageous geographical location makes it a world-class maritime and shipping transportation
  4. Malaysia currently has a considerable network of free trade agreements, which facilitates enterprises to enter the international market effectively and
  5. Has special financing channels
  6. The flight distance between Malaysia and China is about 5 hours, which greatly facilitates the businessmen who need to take care of business between Malaysia and
  7. Can register Chinese company name and print Chinese articles of
  8. Companies registered in Malaysia can open bank accounts all over the world;


Time to register a company in Malaysia

The entire application time for registering a Malaysian company is about 25 working days

There may be delays in the delivery of documents and the round-trip of specific problems, but generally this problem does not occur.


Malaysia company requirements

  1. All companies to be registered must submit a registration application to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority and wait for review and
  2. Company name: It must be an English name or other letters (but each letter must be explained in detail). Currently, Chinese name registration is not
  3. Registered address: a local registered address in Malaysia must be provided
  4. Business scope: You can choose up to 3 business projects
  5. Registered capital: The minimum starts from RM 1 , and the maximum has no upper limit. The full payment of registered capital of a Malaysian company must be paid to the account ( special license has a prescribed registered capital ) , and a certain administrative fee will be levied when a certain capital is
  6. Director of the company: must be a natural person above the age of 18 . The board of directors of a company can be composed of 2 or more If a foreigner wants to serve as a director, it must include at least 2 local directors, unless the foreigner has a work pass or a second home pass (Second Home pass holders must be shareholders to become local directors)
  7. Shareholder qualification: no restrictions, it can be a natural person or a company, and must include two shareholders
  8. Commercial Secretary: A commercial secretary must be appointed
  9. Work Pass: After the establishment of a Malaysian company, you can apply for the recruitment of Chinese staff
Register an Anguilla company

Why register an Anguilla company?

Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory that officially seceded from Kitts and Nevis in 1981 . Anguilla is politically and economically stable and has a well-regulated financial services industry. Anguilla Island is located one hundred miles east of Puerto Rico, adjacent to the British Virgin Islands, with an area of 35 square miles and a population of about 1,300 people, mainly black Caribbean people.

Anguilla's company formation registration system is widely appreciated, and its biggest feature is its business online registration network. Through this network established in 1998 , people from all over the world can register Anguilla companies online on any day and at any time through licensed company managers, trust companies and their approved overseas agents.

Anguilla's local basic structure Anguilla has a complete professional service structure. The world's major accounting firms and numerous law firms and banks have established local offices.


In the current fierce competition in the economic market, opening a foreign company has fully played its unique role and effectively maintained the order of market development. However, for many individuals, they are not very familiar with the use, so what should be done? Registering a company correctly is time- saving and fast.


Registering an Anguilla company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. Overseas company reputation

The name of the overseas company can be used to enhance the overall image of the company.

  1. Because the Anguilla company implements the common law, it closely follows the economic pulse of the market and is very popular with foreign
  2. The registered Anguilla company is very flexible, and the shares of overseas offshore companies can be freely
  3. The property of the Anguilla company is protected, the property will be protected to the greatest extent, and the transfer of funds will be
  4. It is completely tax-free in the region and is not subject to any foreign exchange
  5. The business operation is very convenient, and there is no need to declare the beneficiaries, or not to declare the annual profits and financial
  6. Anguilla is a tax neutral jurisdiction and all registered companies can enjoy zero tax rate
  7. Exemption from tax for any business activities carried out outside of Anguilla
  8. No paid-in capital requirements, no reporting requirements
  9. International business companies that are not engaged in business activities in Anguilla are not subject to corporate tax, income tax, withholding tax, capital gains or other taxes based on income or assets outside Anguilla, and are not subject to Taxes related to matters related to the management of the company in the territory ;
  10. The names of directors and shareholders are not public, and a copy of the register of shareholders of A must be kept in the registered office of the overseas company
  11. The company name can be in any language. If you need to add a Chinese name, you will need to add a fee
  12. The Hague International Certification Agreement can be used as a form of file certification
  13. The name of the offshore company can be in any language. If you need to add a Chinese name, you need to add a fee. It is allowed to use the company ending form of multiple countries, such as Limited ( limited ) , Corporation ( company ) , etc .;
  14. Corporate meetings do not have to be held in Anguilla and may be held by telephone or other electronic means ;


Conditions for registering an Anguilla company:


Register an Anguilla company name:

Anguilla ( Anguilla ) is relatively free to choose a name, allowing the use of company endings in multiple countries, such as Limited ( limited ) , Corporation ( company ) , etc., but some words such as Bank, Fund, Royal, Chartered, Trustee , etc. be constrained.

Anguilla does not have too many restrictions on the industry. The company name can be repeated with the Hong Kong company. Anguilla can add a Chinese name, which is reflected in the certificate. If a Chinese name is required, an additional fee will be added.


  1. Registered capital of Anguilla company:

The registered capital can be enlarged or reduced according to the actual needs of the registrant without paying stamp duty; the standard registered capital is generally US$ 50,000 , which can be expressed in any currency in circulation. Bearer shares can be issued, but there is no specific registered capital limit.


  1. Registered Anguilla company shareholders and directors:

The company needs at least one shareholder and director , both of which can be persons of any nationality or a legal person company registered in any country.

The shareholder can be a legal person or a natural person, and the natural person is one or more shareholders over the age of 18 (mainland citizens or overseas persons with passports or ID cards are acceptable);

Before the establishment of the company, the shareholders, directors, and chairman of the directors must be determined, and the share ratio of each shareholder must be arranged.

Information of shareholders and directors is not required to be filed in the public records , but the register of shareholders and directors must be kept at the registered office.


  1. Anguilla company registered address and legal secretary:

The government stipulates that a limited company must have a legal secretary. The legal secretary can be a natural person or a legal person, and there is no nationality restriction; the company address must be located in Anguilla. If required, the legal secretary and registered address can be provided by Hearing and Consulting.


  1. Registered office and agent:

Incorporation of a company in Anguilla must be done through a registered office or registered agent. The

Overseas Management Company is a locally licensed registered agent.


  1. The business scope of registered Anguilla company:

Registered Anguilla companies are offshore companies, and the government does not impose restrictions on the operation of such companies overseas.


  1. Registering a company in Anguilla:

There are not too many restrictions on the name of the company, and the company ending form of multiple countries can be used ; and it can be named in Chinese, and the Chinese name can also be listed on the company registration certificate.


  1. Directors of the company:

It can be one or more directors and shareholders , but it is required to be a legal natural person over the age of 18 ( inland citizens or overseas people who require a passport or identity file ) , or a corporate body.


  1. Secretary:


The government stipulates that a limited company must have a legal secretary, who can be a natural person or a legal person without nationality restrictions.

  1. Registered capital:

The standard registered capital is generally one million US dollars, and there is no need to pay stamp duty.

  1. Registered address

The requirement must be within the confines of Anguilla.

  1. Business Scope:

Because this area belongs to an offshore company , the government does not set any restrictions on this, as long as it is legal.

  1. 1 to 3 company names ( in English, supplemented by Chinese )
  2. The registered capital is generally about 1 million US dollars, which can be expressed in any circulating currency, and bearer shares can be issued
  3. The government stipulates that a limited company must have a statutory secretary
  4. The company address must be located in Anguilla
  5. Copy of shareholder, director ID card or passport
  6. All Anguilla companies must have a registered office and registered agent in Anguilla


The process of registering an Anguilla company

  1. What is the process of registering an Anguilla company ?
  2. Submit the relevant name of the company for
  3. Fill in the relevant power of attorney
  4. 70% of the registration fee is prepaid .
  5. Go to various government departments in Anguilla to go through relevant
  6. Registration is
  7. Statutory documents signed by the directors in
  8. Complete


Second, the complete set of information on the completion of the Anguilla offshore company registration

  1. Fill in the power of attorney, and the customer provides 1-3 registered company names for name search
  2. Sign the agreement
  3. Pay the deposit
  4. Go through the formalities at various government departments of Anguilla
  5. 10-15 working days to complete the process
  6. The directors personally sign the statutory documents
  7. Interaction
  8. The first company board meeting
  9. A certificate of consent to serve as a
  10. Company signature seal and company
  11. Company registration certificate;
  12. Register of directors and shareholders of the company;
  13. Articles of Association;
  14. Company signature seal and company seal;
  15. Company stock;
  16. Minutes of the statutory meeting of the company;
  17. Exquisite gift box;
  18. A binder is used to store the above files and


Notes on fees for opening a company in Anguilla

Anguilla collects annual fees from commercial companies on a quarterly basis , divided into 4 quarters , divided by the date of establishment of the company.

A company is established from January to March , and the annual fee must be paid before March 31 of the following year , and so on ; if the payment is not made before the deadline , the government will impose the following fines :

  1. For payment from April 1st to June 30th , the government will impose a 10 % government fee fine
  2. For payment from July 1st to September 30th , the government will levy a 50 % fine of government fees
  3. After October 1st , the company will be delisted


Four, Anguilla company bank account opening

After the Anguilla company is registered, it can open a bank account in Hong Kong or Switzerland.

When a customer applies for opening a bank account for his company, if it is a new company ( that is, a company registered within one year ) , the bank will generally require the customer to produce a Certificate of Incumbency (certificate of incumbency of directors, also known as the certificate of incumbent director ) ; For the old company, the bank generally requires the customer to present both the Certificate of Good

Standing (certificate of existence, also known as the certificate of good credit ) and the Certificate of Incumbency (certificate of director incumbency, also known as the certificate of current director ) . In addition, the bank will require the client to provide a certified copy of the registration document that has been certified by an accountant or law firm. Our company can provide it for you, but you will need to charge the corresponding fee.


Renewal of Anguilla Company License

The annual renewal fee is only $800 . Because it is an offshore company, it does not operate locally, so there is no need to file tax returns; in addition to the license renewal fee, there is no need to pay other fees every year; the annual company license renewal period is the anniversary of the company's establishment, and no annual report is required.


Anguilla tax

Anguilla has not signed a bilateral tax agreement with any country. Incorporating a company according to the 1987 version of the International Company Law does not need to declare or pay any tax on business income, and the accounting statement does not need to be submitted.

Registering a Cayman Islands Company

The Cayman Islands is made up of 3 islands in the Caribbean Sea, located in the Caribbean Sea, southeast of Miami, USA, and is famous for its diving resorts. It is now ranked 26th in the Global Financial Centres Index and 4th in the world of offshore jurisdictions . The Cayman Islands government encourages economic development, attracts foreign investment, political neutrality, economic and trade stability, and perfect financial and legal facilities.


Registering a Cayman Islands company has the following outstanding advantages:


  1. Tax policy: exempt from personal tax and corporate income tax

Cayman has not levied direct taxes such as personal income tax, corporate income tax, capital gains tax, real estate tax, inheritance tax for decades. Local taxes are mainly import duties and fees, and the main taxes are only a few simple taxes such as import tax, stamp duty, industrial and commercial registration tax, and tourist tax.


Specifically, government revenue mainly comes from:

Taxes on imported goods, including food, building materials, automobiles, fuel and alcoholic beverages; Transfer of land or property ( 6% to 7.5% tax rate );

Tourist accommodation ( 10% tax rate ) and airport and cruise passenger tax; Bank, trust and insurance company license fees;

company registration fee;

Telecommunications operating license fee;

Mandatory charges such as work permit (work visa) fees and business license fees.

Offshore companies registered on the island need to pay an annual management fee of about 20,000 yuan a year.


  1. Foreign trade policy: Tariffs are the government's largest source of revenue, but some are exempted

Tariffs on imported goods have been the largest source of revenue for the Cayman government, with an average tariff of about 22% . In fiscal year 2015-2016 , 24% of government revenue came from import tariffs, and in fiscal year 2014-2015 , 25% of government revenue came from import tariffs. Therefore, Cayman is not strictly a free trade zone or a free trade port. However, customs duties are exempted if the following conditions are met:


  1. Export-oriented enterprises:

If the investment exceeds C$ 50,000 , and at least 4 local residents are employed for a period of more than

5 years, import duties on construction materials, equipment and trade tools will be exempted.

Tools used in the production process are also exempt from import duties.


  1. Domestic sales enterprises:

If the investment exceeds C$ 25,000 , and at least 4 local residents are employed and the employment period exceeds 3 years, import duties can be reduced for construction materials, equipment and trade tools.

Tools used in the production process are also exempt from import duties.


  1. Companies that do not need a business license:

The total investment is not less than 10,000 Cayman dollars, the investment field is a brand-new industry, and at least 2 local residents are employed and the employment period exceeds 3 years, and the tariff can be reduced or exempted.



  1. Foreign exchange policy: free exchange, funds can enter and exit freely

There are no foreign exchange controls in the Cayman Islands, foreign exchange can be freely imported and exported, and foreign investors' capital, profits, interests and dividends can be freely remitted at any time. Gold and foreign exchange can be bought and sold freely, and cross-border capital can also flow in and out freely, eliminating the requirement for foreign currency deposit reserves. Under this preferential policy, without any foreign exchange control, funds can be mobilized flexibly; without other additional regulations, trade can develop freely.


  1. Company policy: low registration threshold, loose supervision, can be listed overseas
  2. Foreign investors use the exempt company type to register an offshore company

Companies in the Cayman Islands can be divided into three categories: ordinary resident company , non- resident company and exempted company . Among them, exempted companies ( exempted companies ) are mainly used by companies and individuals in various countries for financial planning, but they do not operate locally, that is, offshore companies.


  1. Protect investor privacy, overseas companies enjoy 20 years of tax exemption
  • a stable political, economic and trade environment in Cayman;

-Have good financial legal facilities;

  • The Cayman government protects the interests of shareholders and does not disclose the identity of the beneficiaries;
  • The government encourages economic development and attracts foreign investment, and one person can register a limited company;

-The government provides privacy protection for enterprises, and the information of directors and shareholders enjoys a high degree of privacy and is not disclosed to the public;

  • Free name, allowing the use of multiple national company endings;
  • No upper limit on registered capital, no need to pay stamp duty;
  • No restrictions on business scope and no foreign exchange control;
  • No need to issue an audit report, just keep the data to reflect the economic situation;
  • Profits from offshore operations are not subject to profits tax, e. profits obtained outside the Cayman Islands are not subject to tax in the Cayman Islands;
  • Can be listed on the US, Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges;
  • Open bank accounts, set up trusts, open letters of credit, bill bills, and transfer letters of credit in other financial centers in the world (Hong Kong, Singapore, ) in the name of the company;
  • Possibility to own shares, real estate and other movable properties of other companies;

-The local government provides a guaranteed 20 - year exemption from any local tax, legally exempting all taxes.


Complete financial supervision policy :


  1. Regulator: British Cayman Islands Monetary Authority

The British Cayman Islands Monetary Authority ( CIMA ) was established in 1999 and has been operating for nearly 20 years. It is wholly owned by the British Cayman government and is also the main financial services regulator in the British Cayman Islands. Mainly responsible for the registration, licensing and supervision of banks, financial service companies, cooperative community building, trust institutions, insurance company management, corporate services, investment funds and securities service industries. The Financial Supervisory Authority of the British Cayman Islands is very strict in terms of supervision. In some regulatory systems and measures, it is almost the same as the world's top supervisory authority, the UK Financial Conduct Authority ( FCA ).


Regulatory environment: strict anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering

From the perspective of the regulatory environment, the extremely strict anti-money laundering and anti- terrorism systems, strict regulations on customer funds protection, strict net asset regulations, strict corporate management requirements, strict monitoring and suspicious reporting requirements, etc. To a certain extent, it reflects that the British Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has higher requirements for foreign exchange brokers, and it also shows that regulated foreign exchange brokers are in a perfect and clear regulatory environment.


Regulatory measures: Similar to the UK FCA , funds need to be stored separately

The Cayman Islands CIMA is very similar to the UK Financial Conduct Authority ( FCA ) in some regulations, and these similar regulations, such as the implementation of strict statutory requirements for client asset accounts, ensure that funds are deposited in the name of the client; foreign exchange brokers are required to regularly account for client funds. Daily clearing and reconciliation can better ensure the safety of customer funds. In addition, the British Cayman Islands Monetary Authority requires that client funds must be kept in complete segregation, so that client funds cannot be misappropriated for other purposes. In some regulators, traders can use client funds to hedge proprietary positions through some exemptions. The British Cayman Islands Monetary Authority , CIMA , like the FCA , is one of the regulators in the world that does not allow any funds segregation exemption.


Conditions for registering a Cayman company:

Registered capital (US$)

Additional tax (US$)

< -51,200









  1. Registered Authorized Capital: The minimum registered capital is US$ 50,000 . The additional taxes that exceed the standard capital are subject to the following additional taxes ( both establishment and annual review fees are required):


Requirements for directors: At least 1 director must be appointed , and any natural person (over 18 years old) or legal person without nationality restrictions can serve as a director at the same time ; the information of directors must be disclosed to the company registry, but these information will not be made public for public search . 3 . Shareholder requirements: At least 1 shareholder must be appointed , and both natural persons (over 18 years old) or legal persons without nationality restrictions can serve as directors and shareholders at the same time ; shareholders' information only needs to be filed with the registered agent. 4 . A letter of introduction from a professional (accountant or lawyer) 5 . Registered Agent: A Cayman company or individual ( with Cayman residency status ) must be appointed as a registered agent. 6 . Registered Address: Must be in the Cayman Islands.


The procedures for a Cayman company are as follows:

  1. Sign the Power of Attorney
  2. Sign the agreement
  3. Pay the deposit


  1. Go to the government department to go through the relevant procedures, and our company is the sole
  2. Complete the registration: 35 working days to pay the balance to receive the


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a Cayman Company

Q: What are the requirements for a Cayman company to have a name?

A: The company name may use the following endings: Limited , Corporation , Incorporated , Societe ,

Anonyme , Ltd. , Inc. , Corp. SA . Company names cannot use the following terms: Royal , Imperial , Government , Chartered . If the company name needs to use Bank , Insurance , Trust , it needs to apply to the Cayman Companies Registry for approval.



Q: What is the minimum registered capital requirement for a Cayman company?

A: The minimum registered capital is US$ 50,000 . Any excess of standard capital will be subject to additional taxes.



Q: What is the Cayman tax exemption?

Answer: A Cayman company can apply for a "tax exemption certificate", and the application fee is

RMB20,500/HKD25,625 . After the application for this certificate, if the Cayman government changes its regulations within 20 years to collect company tax, such companies Exemption from payment of any tax.



Q: What are the completion documents for a Cayman company?

Answer: 1. Company registration certificate; 2. Company meeting minutes; 3. Register of shareholders, directors and secretaries; 4. Company memorandum and articles of association; 5. Company stock; 6. Company signature and seal.


Register a Seychelles company

Seychelles is an archipelago located in the southwestern Indian Ocean and is one of the best tax-free jurisdictions. Seychelles has deep blue waters and white sandy beaches, full of exotic marine life, and the Seychelles government has established a number of nature reserves and marine parks. GNI is much higher compared to the nearby islands, which also have tax treaties with China, South Africa and Indonesia.


Registering a Seychelles company has the following outstanding advantages:

  1. When registering a Seychelles company, a Chinese company name can be
  2. Protect the personal information of directors and shareholders with high confi
  3. No company secretary is required, share transfer is easy and no stamp fee is
  4. Unrestricted option to issue bearer shares ( Bearer Certificate in the name of the holder ) .
  5. After registering a Seychelles company, you can open a bank account in Hong Kong and mainland
  6. Do not file annual
  7. There is no need to submit company accounts every If you do not operate business in the country, you can be exempt from any tax.


Conditions for registering a Seychelles company

  1. Company name: Seychelles company name is free, and Chinese and English company names are allowed, but the Chinese and English names need to be translated accordingly; the name is allowed to contain words such as international, group, holding, industry, investment, ; at the same time, you can add yourself before the name. Favorite country or region name: such as: China, Hong Kong, etc.;


Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Societe Anonyme or their abbreviations are all suffixes for companies registered in Seychelles. Also, BV, GmbH, SARL can be used.

  1. Standard authorized capital

The minimum registered capital of the company is 1,000,000 US dollars (no need to verify the capital in place) , which is divided into 1 US dollars per share and a total of 1,000,000 shares.

  1. Director of the company: one or more than one person; can be a natural person or a legal person (natural person has no nationality restriction and must be at least 18 years old); directors are members of the board of directors elected by shareholders, and the chairman of the board of directors is the person in charge of the board of Directors' personal data are not required to be disclosed.
  2. Shareholders of the company: one or more than one person; it can be a natural person or a legal person (natural persons have no nationality restrictions and must be at least 18 years old), and the company can issue registered or bearer shares
  3. Registered address: must have a local registered address (provided by our company)


When to register a Seychelles company

Customers who register a Seychelles company do not need to go overseas to go through the formalities in person. They can entrust them to do all the formalities. It usually takes 8-12 working days to complete the registration.


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a Seychelles Company Q: What is the Seychelles company tax system?

A: Overseas offshore companies are exempt from tax in the Seychelles, including: all dividends, interest, rent, compensation and income from other securities, debt and other company income. In addition to this, there is no inheritance tax and gift tax for overseas offshore companies. Meanwhile, overseas offshore companies in the Seychelles are exempted from stamp duty on all operations.


Q: What are the requirements for the company name when registering a Seychelles company?

Answer: Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, Societe Anonyme or their abbreviations are all suffixes for companies registered in Seychelles. Also, BV, GmbH, SARL can be used.


Q: What are the requirements for registering the business scope of a Seychelles company?

A: The business scope mentioned in the company's memorandum is extremely wide, covering almost all the scope of the customer's business purpose.

British Virgin Islands ( BVI )

One person can serve as a shareholder director at the same time


In order to encourage economic development and attract foreign investment, the government can completely own a limited company


Low tax rates and very little tax control

Profits from overseas operations are not subject to profits tax, so as to achieve the purpose of reasonable tax planning; no auditor's report is required, but only the information is retained to reflect the economic situation.


Simple management

BVI companies have low tax rates and are subject to very little tax control ; offshore trade is not subject to profits tax. No annual report or financial statement required


No auditor's report required

BVI companies do not need an auditor's report, they only need to retain information to reflect the economic situation


High privacy

The interests of shareholders of BVI companies are protected by the government, and there is no need to disclose the identity of the beneficiaries


Free trading of shares

Shares in BVI companies can be bought and sold freely


No need for annual meetings

BVI companies are not required to hold annual directors or shareholders meetings


No need to appoint local residents

BVI companies do not need to appoint local residents of the British Virgin Islands as directors


It is convenient to open a bank account

Companies can open corporate accounts with banks around the world


Follow-up service is simple

The company's follow-up services are simple, highly confidential, tax-free, political and economical environment is stable, and it is convenient for financing and listing;


Conditions for registering a BVI offshore BVI company:


The wording of the company name

Company name: BVI company names are free, and Chinese and English company names are allowed, but the Chinese and English names need to be translated accordingly; the name is


allowed to contain words such as international, group, holding, industry, investment, etc.;


At the same time, you can add your favorite country or region name before the name Such as: China, Hong Kong, etc.; the company name must end with Limited , Corporation ,

Incorporated , Societe Anonyme or Socieded Anonima or the abbreviations of the above words


(Note: Unless specifically approved by the government, the company name cannot contain words such as Assurance , Bank , Building Society , Chamber of Commerce , Chartered ,

Cooperative , Imperial , Insurance , Municipal , Royal or Trust )


  1. Registered capital

The standard authorized capital is USD 50,000 , divided into 50,000 shares at USD 1.00 per share ; ( if the number of shares issued with the registered capital is more than 50,000 shares, a government fee of USD1350 will be charged)


  1. Company Director

One or more persons; can be a natural person or a legal person (natural persons have no nationality restrictions, and must be at least 18 years old); directors are members of the board of directors elected by shareholders, and the chairman of the board of directors is the person in charge of the board of directors


  1. Company shareholders

One or more people; it can be a natural person or a legal person; the government protects the interests of shareholders, and there is no need to publish the identity information of the beneficiaries; the register of shareholders must be kept in the BVI registered agent; the company can only issue registered shares.


  1. Registered Agent / Registered Address

The company needs to appoint a registered agent (provided by our company); the company's registered address is at the office of the registered agent;


  1. Business scope

The company's business scope is not limited in principle, and it can operate any business under the premise of legality; special industries such as finance, banking, credit, insurance, etc. need special approval from the government

The process of registering a BVI company

  1. Approved company name, we will search for free;
  2. Fill in the power of attorney and sign the agreement;
  3. Deliver the advance payment, (according to the negotiated amount, the government registration tax will be paid in advance in full ) ;
  4. Go to various government departments to go through relevant procedures
  5. Hand over a full set of registered company files and collect the balance (the company information can be sent directly to the location you designate);
  6. Re-sign government documents;
  7. Backup fi


Fees for registering a BVI company Fees include:

  1. Government registration fee for the first year;
  2. First year registered agent and registered address fee;
  3. Company registration certificate (original);
  4. Bank account opening file ( INCUMBENCY , one copy);
  5. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company (four copies);
  6. Subscribers sign the letter of appointment of directors;
  7. Company share book (one); register of shareholders and directors;
  8. Official seal (one steel seal and one signature seal each);
  9. Prepare a letter of consent for the director to serve;
  10. Prepare shareholders' share application;
  11. Board minutes;
  12. issue shares;
  13. Keep the register of shareholders in the Islands .


Time to register a BVI company

Newly established company: about 12 working days; buying ready-made company: 2-3 working days.


Frequently Asked Questions about Registering a BVI Company Q: Where is the British Virgin Islands located ?

Answer: The British Virgin Islands, also known as the British Virgin Islands (BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS- BVI) is about 60 miles east of PUERTO RICO , located in the Caribbean Sea, an island country composed of more than 40 islands, with an area of only 155 Square kilometers, the population is only 15,000 people.


Q: What are the benefits of setting up a company in the British Virgin Islands ?

Answer: The British Virgin Islands is a place with a very stable political, economic and trade environment ; there are good financial legal facilities, which facilitate the establishment and development of various financial institutions or foundations ; the government protects the interests of shareholders and does not need to announce the beneficiaries Identity ; incorporation of a company is protected by local government privacy regulations, director data and bank data can be kept confidential. Furthermore, overseas companies do not have to pay tax every year. In order to encourage economic development and attract foreign investment, the local government of the island can completely own a limited company ; low tax rate, the island international limited company is subject to very little tax control ; no auditor's report is required, just keep the information to reflect the economic situation. ; Profits from operations in other places do not need to pay profits tax, and the purpose of reasonable tax avoidance can be achieved in the form of triangular trade ; island companies can open bank accounts all over the world


Q: How many shareholders are required to set up a company in the British Virgin Islands ?


A: To set up a company in the British Virgin Islands, one shareholder is sufficient. Mainland Chinese citizens only need to provide a valid passport.


Q: Is it possible to register a Chinese company name in the British Virgin Islands ?

A: When setting up a company in the British Virgin Islands, English and French names are generally used. As more Chinese people flock to the island to register companies recently, the island government has now allowed the registration of Chinese names. It's just an increase of HK$1,000 in legal fees.


Q: Who can open a company in the British Virgin Islands ?

A: One or more shareholders over the age of 18 ( mainland citizens or overseas persons with passports ); with registered address and legal secretary of the limited company


Q: What are the registered capital and share capital requirements for a company established in the British Virgin Islands ?

Answer: If the registered capital is 50,000 US dollars, no additional stamp tax will be charged for the registered capital. If the registered capital exceeds 50,000 US dollars , taxes must be paid, with a minimum charge of 1,300 US dollars ; there is no minimum limit for the share capital and any currency can be used as the share capital unit. Shares may be offered with or without denomination and may be offered in different classes of shares, including bearer classes.


Q: Can the information of directors and shareholders of a BVI company be checked by others?

A: The laws of the place of incorporation of overseas offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands do not require disclosure of important information such as the identities of shareholders and directors. In fact, most offshore companies are registered with good laws to protect the privacy of the identity information of shareholders and directors.


Q: Can a company established in the British Virgin Islands open an account anywhere in the world ?

Answer: Yes. However, the bank account number can only be applied after the company is established. Account opening generally requires directors to visit the bank in person, but we will provide cooperation, such as: 1. Recommend the bank to open the account ; 2. Prepare meeting minutes ; 3.

Bank account opening application ; 4. Arrange an introducer ; . The account opening fee in the British Virgin Islands is usually higher, and the account opening fee varies with different banks.



Q: What is the annual maintenance fee for a BVI company ?

Answer: If the registered capital is less than 50,000 US dollars, the annual maintenance fee is 750 US dollars. If the registered capital is more than 50,000 US dollars, the annual maintenance fee is 1,500 US dollars. This fee will fluctuate with the adjustment of the government.